Due to the icy roads, Henry-Senachwine Schools will have a late start this morning, Thursday, February 6. The schools will be open to accept students at 9:40 a.m. & classes will begin at 10:00 a.m. Bus transportation will use a delayed schedule. If your student rides the bus, plan on the bus arriving 90 minutes later than your normal bus pick-up time. There will be no breakfast served. Morning athletics & extracurriculars are canceled. At HSHS: There will be no ACC, Kiefer, Hall classes or “Zero” hour in the morning for those students enrolled. At HSGS/JH: There will be no morning Pre-K classes. Afternoon Pre-K classes are scheduled. There will be regular school dismissal time.

Cold and flu season is upon us. Please take a few minutes to review the Illinois Department of Public Health's Guidelines For Keeping Students Home From School.

I want to personally thank all the families who have already participated in our SchoolStore program! We are on our way to reaching our goal, but we need everyone's help to make sure our teachers get the essential tools they need to help our students succeed.
If your family has not participated, there's still time!
This safe and easy program is 100% online so there is no face-to-face selling, collecting money, or delivering products. Your child will receive a prize just for participating, and more prizes will be awarded when goals are reached.
Please help now. It really will make a difference.
Go to https://www.schoolstore.net/sid.t?0000176014 to show our valued teachers your support.

The Henry-Senachwine School District will once again be participating in the CEP program this school year which will allow ALL students access to free breakfast & lunch meals.
However, if your student wishes to purchase extra milk they must have money in their account to do so. Milk being purchased is $.40. One milk is served daily with all breakfast & lunch trays.
Organic Soy Milk that will be available to purchase for any students who are lactose intolerant and bring their lunch and wish to purchase a milk as well, this milk is $1.00 to purchase.
If your student brings their lunch and they want to purchase a milk they must have money in their lunch account. Water is available during all breakfast and lunch services.

HSGS/JH is hiring! The following positions are currently available: K-5 PE Teacher (24-25), 4th Grade Teacher (25-26). Please reach out to Principal Angie Merboth with questions or to express interest.

Due to health concerns and scheduling, treats and snacks for any occasion must be arranged in advance with the classroom teacher. All treats and snacks must be store bought and prepackaged in individual servings. No homemade treats or snacks are allowed at school. Treats and snacks may not require refrigeration and must have a clearly printed list of ingredients on the packaging.